Drone Arena at Aquatech Amsterdam

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The organisers of the Amsterdam Drone Week (ADW) and Skytools are delighted to host the ADW Drone Arena at Aquatech Amsterdam, hall 10, stand number 10.114.

Drone technology is developing very rapidly. Skytools makes unmanned aviation accessible to its partners either by creating an in-house drone team and implementing drones into their specific business, facilitating equipment or by providing full flight support. Whether you require consultancy, training, advise or if you are looking for the best suitable drone equipment in order to achieve your goal.

During Aquatech Amsterdam Skytools will give demonstrations with flying the drones. Every day at 11:30 hours and 14:30 hours they will give a Drone show which is free of charge to attend. What do you learn?

Drone Arena at Aquatech Amsterdam 2

  • What kind of data will you obtain?
  • Which kind of drones are accessible to the market at this moment?
  • How can you use drones in your business?